martes, 7 de agosto de 2012

ASKEW, Kelly: The Anthropology of Media: A Reader, con Richard R. Wilk (2002 Blackwell Pub.)
AUGÉ, Marc: The War Of Dreams: Exercises in Ethno-fiction (1999 Pluto Press)
AUSLANDER, Philip: Liveness: Performance in a Mediatized Culture (1998 Routledge)
BALL-ROKEACH, Sandra J: Paradoxes of Youth and Sport, con Margaret Gatz y Michael Messner (2002 Suny Press)
BARTHES, Roland:   Mitologías (1989 Siglo XXI)
BARTHES, Roland:   Mitologías (1989 Siglo XXI)
CARBAUGH, Donal A: Situating Selves: The Communication of Social Identities in American Scenes, (1996 SUNY Press)
CHOMSKY, Noam: Pirates and Emperors, Old and New: International Terrorism in the Real World (2003 South End Press)
CLAUSSEN,  Dane S.: Sex, Religion, Media(2002 Rowman & Littlefield)
COHEN, Stanley: Folk Devils and Moral Panics: The Creation of the Mods and Rockers (1994 Routledge)
COLLINS, Richard: Media and Identity in Contemporary Europe: Consequences of Global Convergence(2002 Intellect Books)
COLLINS, Richard: Television: Policy and Culture (1990 Routledge)
COLLINS, Richard: Media, Culture and Society: A Critical Reader (1986 SAGE)
CUKLANZ, Lisa M: Rape on Prime Time: Television, Masculinity, and Sexual Violence(1999 University of Pennsilvania)
CUKLANZ, Lisa M: Rape on Trial: How the Mass Media Construct Legal Reform and Social Change (1996 University of Pennsilvania)
CURRAN, James: Media, Ritual, and Identity, con Tamara Liebes (1998 Routledge)
DALTON, Mary M: The Sitcom Reader: America Viewed and Skewed (2005 SUNY Pres)
DEARING, James W: Agenda-setting, con Everett M. Rogers (1996 SAGE)
DOANE, Ashley W: White Out: The Continuing Significance of Racism con  Eduardo Bonilla-Silva (2003 Routledge)
ENTMAN, Robert M: The Black Image in the White Mind: Media and Race in America, con Andrew Rojecki (2001 University of Chicago Press)
FORTUNATO,  John A: Making Media Content: The Influence of Constituency Groups on Mass Media (2005 Routledge)
GALICIAN, Mary-Lou: Critical Thinking about Sex, Love, and Romance in the Mass Media (2006 Routledge)
GALICIAN Mary-Lou: Sex, Love & Romance in the Mass Media (2004 Lawrence Erlbaum Associates)
GALICIAN, Mary-Lou; Handbook of Product Placement in the Mass Media (2004 Haworth Press)
GARBER, Marjorie B: Media Spectacles, con Jann Matlock y Rebecca L. Walkowitz (1993 Routledge)
GILES, Judy: Studying Culture: A Practical Introduction, con Tim Middleton (1999 Blackwell Publishing)
GITLIN, Todd: The Whole World Is Watching: Mass Media in the Making & Unmaking of the New Left (2003 University of California Press)
GITLIN, Todd:  Inside Prime Time(1994 Routledge)
GOLDBERG, Bernard: Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News (2001 Regnery Publishing)
GRAY, Herman: Watching Race: Television and the Struggle for Blackness (2004 U of Minnesota Press)
GREER, Chris: Sex Crime and the Media: Sex Offending and the Press in a Divided Society (2003 Willan Publishings )
GRIMES,  Ronald L: Rite Out of Place: Ritual, Media, and the Arts (2006 Oxford University Press )
GRIPSPURD, Jostein: The Dynasty Years: Hollywood Television and Critical Media Studies (1995 Routledge )
GUNTER, Barrie: Violence on Television: An Analysis of Amount, Nature, Location and Origin of violence in British programmes, con Jackie Harrison (2005 SAGE)
GUNTER, Barrie: Violence on Television: Distribution, Form, Context, and Themes, con Jackie Harrison y Maggie Wykes (2003 Lawrence Erlbaum)
GUNTER, Barrie: Media Sex: What are the Issues? (2001 Lawrence Erlbaum)
HACHTEN, William A. The Troubles of Journalism: A Critical Look at What's Right and Wrong with the Press (2001 Lawrence Erlbaum)
HALLIN, Daniel C: The Uncensored War: The Media and Vietnam (1989 University of California Press)
HARIMAN, Robert: Popular Trials: Rhetoric, Mass Media, and the Law (1993 University of Alabama Press)
HERMAN, Edward S: Degraded Capability: The Media And The Kosovo Crisis, con Phil Hammond (2000 Pluto Press
 HESSE, Mary B: The Construction of Reality, con Michael A. Arbib (1986 Cambridge University Press)
HUSBAND, Charles: Representing Race: Racisms, Ethnicities and Media (2005 SAGE)
JENSEN,  Klaus Bruhn: News of the World: World Cultures Look at Television News (1998 Routledge)
JEWKES, Yvonne: Media and Crime (2004 SAGE)
KAMALIPOUR , Yahya R: Cultural Diversity and the U.S. Media, con Theresa Carilli (1998 SUNY Press)
KELLSTEDT, Paul M: The Mass Media and the Dynamics of American Racial Attitudes (2006 Troubador Pub.)
KOLAR-PANOV , Dona: Video, War and the Diasporic Imagination (1997 Routledge)
LAWRENCE,  Regina G: The Politics of Force: Media and the Construction of Police Brutality (2000 University of California Press)
LEBENS N,  Brigitte: Mass-Mediated Terrorism: The Central Role of the Media in Terrorism (2002 Rowman & Littlefield)
LEBENS N,  Brigitte: Terrorism and the Media: From the Iran Hostage Crisis to the World Trade (1994 Columbia University Press)
LEISHMAN, Frank: Core Issues in Policing con Barry Loveday y Stephen P. Savage (2000, Pearson Education)
LENT , John A: Women and Mass Communications in the 1990's: An International, Annotated(1999, Greenwood Publishing Group)
LEVANDER, Caroline Field: Cradle of Liberty: Race, the Child, and National Belonging from Thomas (2006 Duke University )
LUHMANN, Niklas: The Reality of the Mass Media (2000 Stanford University)
MARCHESSAULT, Janine: Wild Science: Reading Feminism, Medicine and the Media con Kim Sawchuk (2000 Routledge)
MASON, Paul: Criminal Visions: Media Representations of Crime and Justice (2003 Willan Pub.
MATTELART, Armand: Para leer al Pato Donald (2001 Siglo XXI)
McCLUSKEY,  Martha: T Feminism, Media, and the Law (1997 Oxford University Press US)
McNAIR, Brian: Glasnost, Perestroika and the Soviet Media(1991 Routledge)
MEADOWS,  Michael: Voices in the Wilderness: Images of Aboriginal People in the Australian Media (2004 Greenwood Publishing Group)
NAFICY,  Hamid: Home, Exile, Homeland: Film, Media, and the Politics of Place (1999 Routledge)
NEUMAN, W. Russell: Common Knowledge: News and the Construction of Political Meaning con Marion R. Just, Ann N. Crigler (1992 University of Chicago Prress)
PALMER, Michael: Media at War: The Iraq Crisis, con Howard Tumber (2004 SAGE)
PARFITT, Tudor: Jews, Muslims, and Mass Media Mediating the 'Other' con Egorova  Yulia (2004 Routledge.)
PISTERS,  Patricia: Shooting the Family: Transnational Media And Intercultural Values, con Wim Staat (2005 Amsterdam University Press)
PLUNKETT,  John: Queen Victoria: First Media Monarch (2003 Oxford University Prees)
PONCE DE LEÓN, Charles L.: Self-Exposure: Human-Interest Journalism and the Emergence of Celebrity in America 1890-1940(2002 UNC Press)
POTTER, James W: The 11 Myths of Media Violence (2003 SAGE)
POTTER, James W: On Media Violence (1999 SAGE)
RAY, Eileen Berlin: Communication and Disenfranchisement: Social Health Issues and Implications (1999 Routledge)
RIVERS, Caryl: Selling Anxiety: How the News Media Scare Women (2007 UPNE
ROGERS, Everett M: Agenda-setting, con James W. Dearing (1996 SAGE)
ROME,  Dennis: Black Demons: The Media's Depiction of the African American Male Criminal (2004 Greenwood Publishing Group)
RUGH, William: A Arab Mass Media: Newspapers, Radio, and Television in Arab Politics (2004 Greenwood Publishing Group)
SALTZMAN, Joe: Frank Capra and the Image of the Journalist in American Film ( 2002 The Norman Lear Center)
SEALE, Clive: Media and Health(Edinburgh University Press)
SEALE, Clive: Health and the Media (2004 Blackwell Publishing)
SEEGER, Matthew W.: Communication and Organizational Crisisycon Timothy L. Sellnow, Robert R. Ulmer (2003 Greenwood Publishing Group)
SEMMES, Clovis E: Cultural Hegemony and African American Development(1992 Greenwood Publishing)
SHARP, Joanne P: Condensing the Cold War: Reader's Digest and American Identity (2000 U of Minnesota Press)
SHAW, Donald L: Communication and Democracy: Exploring the Intellectual Frontiers in Agenda-Setting Theorycon Maxwell McCombs y Davis Hugh Weaver (1997 Lawrence Erlbaum)
SILK, Mark: Unsecular Media: MAKING NEWS OF RELIGION IN AMERICA(1995 University of Illinois Press)
SOUKUP, Paul A.: Fidelity and Translation: Communicating the Bible in New Media con Robert Hodgson(1999 Rowman & Littlefield)
SPARKS, Colin: Communism, Capitalism and the Mass Mediacon  Reading, Anna (1998 SAGE)
SPRING, Joel H.: Educating the Consumer-citizen: A History of the Marriage of Schools (2003 Lawrence Erlbaum)
THORNHAM, Sue: Women, Feminism and Media (2007 Edinburgh Universit Press)
THUSSU,  Daya Kishan: War and the Media: Reporting Conflict 24/7 con Pamela J. Shoemaker y Dominic L. Lasorsa (2003 SAGE)
TICHI, Cecelia: Electronic Hearth: Creating an American Television Culture (1991Oxford University Press US)
TREND, David: The Myth of Media Violence: A Critical Introduction (2007 Blackwell Publishing)
TUMBER , Howard: Media at War: The Iraq Crisis, con Jerry Palmer (2004 SAGE)
TUMBER , Howard: Media Power, Professionals, and Policies (2000 Routledge)
WALLACK, Lawrence: Media Advocacy and Public Health: Power for Preventionn con Lori Dorfman (1993 SAGE )
WANDEL, Lee Palmer: Voracious Idols and Violent Hands: Iconoclasm in Reformation Zurich(1995 Cambridge University)
WILK, Richard R.: The Antropology of Media: A reader con kelly Michelle Askew (2002 Blackwell Pub)
WILSON, Clint C.: Racism, Sexism, and the Media con Félix Gutiérrez, Lena M. Chao (2003 SAGE )

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